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8th Assembly
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HB 2218: Federal Fire and Rescue Service (Est) Bill, 2023
HB 2204: Nigeria Police Force College, Training School and Institution (Establishment) Bill, 2023
HB 2178: Defence Industry Corporation of Nigeria Act (Repeal and Enactment) Bill, 2023
HB 1943: Federal College of Health Technology, Benisheikh, Borno State (Establishment) Bill, 2023
HB 2169: Standard Organization of Nigeria Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill, 2023
HB 430: Federal College of Education (Technical) Ako, Ago-Iwoye (Establishment) 2023 (Re-introduced)
HB 1216: 1999 Constitution (Alteration) Bill, 2021
HB 1164: Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) Bill, 2020
HB 1070: 1999 Constitution (Alteration) Bill, 2020
HB 1063: 1999 Constitution (Alteration) Bill, 2020
HB 1062: 1999 Constitution (Alteration) Bill, 2020
HB 840: 1999 Constitution (Alteration) Bill, 2020
HB 596: Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) Bill, 2019
HB 511: Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Alteration) Bill, 2019
HB 505: Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 Act (Alteration) Bill, 2019
Synopsis of Bills in the 9th Assembly
Bills Introduced in the Senate
Bills Introduced in both Houses
Bills Introduced in the House
*This tally is an unofficial estimate
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